Welcome To Kenn systems and Engineers
We, KENN SYSTEMS AND ENGINEERING PVT LTD, situated at, Hyderabad, Telangana we are manufactures Water treatment equipment and service provider for a wide range of water treatment plants, RO Plant, demineralization plants, effluent treatment plants, MBR, UF/MF system, water softener systems. Our products supply and services are offered to the customers within the stipulated time frame. These products and services offered to the customers at industry leading price range.
Hetero ElectrolyticFluidised Cermet Catalytic oxidation (HEFCCO) Reactor
The HEFCCO reactor consists of three zones. The first zone is known as “React zone” comprised of the Micro electrolytic Cermet (Micro Electrodes) which is fluidized by air and wastewater.
The dissolved organics (Highmolecular weight organic compounds) adsorb onto the carbon matrix and diffuse into the Micro electrodes and electrolytic reaction is initiated.
The oxidation of organics is facilitated by hydroxyl radicals generated from molecular oxygen [supplied in the form of air].
The quantity of air required for the oxidation of organics in wastewater is decided on the kinetics of oxidation of organics in wastewater.
The air required for the fluidization and oxidation of organics is supplied through the perforated pipe lines provided at the bottom of the reactor. The unspent oxygen and nitrogen is used for the eliminating foaming compounds in wastewater.
The treated wastewater is collected from the top of the reactor
We Offer a Range of Services to Meet Your Needs
Backed by about 25 years of experience in the civil engineering sector, we are successfully meeting the demands of services like testing,
investigation, surveying, design consultancy & other related areas of civil construction.
Sewage Treatment Plant
Sewage treatment is the process of removing contaminants from wastewater generated from industrial or domestic
Effluent Treatment Plant
Effluent Treatment covers the mechanisms and processes used to treat water that have been contaminated.
Water Treatment Plant
Proper Treatment to Water is essential for avoiding Corrosion, Scaling, Microbiological contaminants and fouling.
DM Water Plants
DM Water System produces mineral free Water by operating on the principles of ion exchange, Degasification, and polishing.
EDI Water Plant
(EDI) is a water purification system that relies on electricity to remove ionic impurities from water into a concentrate
Reverse Osmosis Plants
A variety of pre-treatment techniques including softening, dechlorination, and anti-scalent treatment.
STP Ventilation Systems(Exhaust and Fresh Air)
The typical odour is associated with rotten eggs, ammonia, or garlic, referred to by multiple people
STP Design Consultancy Services
GV Aqua Consulting is involved in supply, erection, commissioning, maintenance of Sewage and Packed Sewage Treatment Projects, and Air Pollution Control
Merits of the system:
- It requires very low footprint area,
- High COD load reduction per unit area
- Low electrical energy consumption
- Scope for collecting foamable long chain organic compounds
- Scope to recover organic solvents.
- Scope to eliminate Ammoniacal nitrogen from wastewater
- No sludge production
- No odour emission
- Treated water has more compatible down stream processes/membrane separation process
- Substantial reduction in Total Dissolved Solids
- Sharp reduction in Total Suspended solids
- Appreciable Colour reduction
Demerits of the system:
DC electrical energy is required to operate the Electro chemical system.
Efficiency of Rectifier determines the Electrical power consumption.
